Welcome to the Wishnick & Associates blog! There is lots to read, based on experiences from my 20-plus years working with nonprofit, mission-driven organizations. I have written about strategic planning, capacity building, executive leadership transition, boards of directors, and more – lessons learned, effective principles, tips, and advice. My intended readers are nonprofit chief executives, board members, nonprofit staff (especially those aspiring to leadership roles), and anyone with an interest in myriad organizational issues. My hope is that through these blog articles, I can pass on a bit of the inspiration I get from my clients. Please let me know what you think, or if you have ideas for a future post … and do share these posts with others who may be interested. While I have moved to writing on a more occasional basis, there is a lot here to think about. Thank you for stopping by!
The Goldilocks Approach to Meeting Minutes
Why Minutes Are Worth Doing Well
The first time I was chair of a nonprofit board, I realized how important the role of the secretary was, as well as the value of good minutes. As board chair, being in the moment and fully engaged with what was happening during the board meeting was crucial. The minutes were essential to doing that and knowing what had transpired. Because that board had the good fortune of having a smart and highly capable secretary who took the job seriously, the minutes were thorough and balanced. Reading them after a meeting allowed me to re-live the board meeting and reflect on it. I kept track of actions taken and follow-up work I needed to do or prompt others to do. The minutes pointed out the essential activities of the organization and what the board was doing. The information I gleaned from each month’s minutes became my to-do list and work plan. The minutes focused on highlighting the things that may have escaped me as I stayed attuned to being in the moment at the meeting. (more…)
Onboarding a New Nonprofit CEO – Tools and Activities
You have just hired a new senior executive. Congratulations! Now what?
When the search activities conclude, the transition continues, and a well-planned onboarding process is critical. In the best scenario, a transition task force (which might be the search committee) will have contact with the new executive in the period from offer acceptance to the first day on the job. Having a plan for this “in-between” time will make onboarding go more smoothly. It will also permit the transition task force to discuss onboarding with the new executive to learn what they would like included.
Onboarding a new nonprofit executive may seem daunting. Depending on the size and complexity of an organization, it may be. A nonprofit organization should always have a plan for orienting new staff. For a senior position, it needs to be enhanced to match the magnitude of the role. Thinking through the high-level expectations for the new executive leads to a sharp focus on the goals for onboarding and, thus, the related tools and activities that are part of it.
Immersion: Tools
Starting with an internal focus lays the groundwork for ensuring a new executive’s connection to the organization. Even if a nonprofit executive’s role is mainly external, related to fundraising and advocacy on behalf of the organization, they must have deep knowledge of the mission and vision, programs, staff, clients, financials, and more.
Over the years, clients have shared tools and ideas that serve the onboarding process well.
A briefing book serves as a collection of key documents and a quick reference guide. As a tangible item sitting on a desk and/or as a PDF on a tablet, it can be a helpful personal crib sheet on all aspects of an organization. Recommended items include:
- Contact information for key staff and the board
- Organizational chart
- Department and program information
- Senior and program managers’ job descriptions
- Photos and bios for key staff and board
- Calendar of events and standing meetings
- Crucial financial information, including the annual budget
- Pertinent building/facility information
- List of “go-to” people for various things, such as tech support
- List of tech-related details, including user names and temporary passwords
Many existing organizational documents and manuals are also essential to share. These are:
- Employee handbook
- Organizational policies and procedures
- Current strategic plan
- Annual development plan
- Overview of grants and funding sources, as well as foundation/corporate donor contacts
- Annual reports
- Current marketing collateral
- Form 990 – most current
Many nonprofits are going paperless or at least cutting back. Creating a “curated” folder for a new executive on the server or shared drive is another way to pull out fundamental documents. Folders with relevant documents related to administration, budget/finance, fundraising, grants, human resources, programs, board, and more make sense as a resource.
Immersion: Activities
An important aspect of acclimating – getting to know the people and the programs – is offering formal and informal ways for everyone in an organization to spend time together and develop a rapport. Through these interactions, staff can share their knowledge about the programs, facility, and community. There are many ways to facilitate a new executive’s opportunities to meet staff. Town hall meetings, smaller meet and greet gatherings, and other tried and true options are possible.
Nothing beats walking around the office and stopping in to say hello. A new executive (or any staff member) needs to know the ins and outs of their surroundings. Moreover, a lot can be learned about an organization’s culture by walking around and observing staff in their offices and how they interact with each other in the hallways.
An office or facility tour is an important early activity. For organizations with multiple sites, a full tour of all is warranted. This is an excellent way to get to know staff and clients on their turf. Some organizations play a big role in the communities they serve – a walking or driving tour of the neighborhood may be part of the plan.
Also central to onboarding is time for the new executive to meet one-on-one with direct reports and the management team. The same is true for board members. An effective leadership partnership—board and new executive—is essential for their joint vision to become a reality. One-on-one meetings with board officers can do double duty. For instance, a meeting with the treasurer can help the new executive drill down into the finances – past, present, and future.
The relationships with board members are vital, too. By definition, the new CEO and board lead the nonprofit in partnership. In addition, the board is a bridge to the external world and the community from which the organization derives its support. For many nonprofit leaders, navigating this realm to benefit the organization is primary. Thus, planning ways for the executive to get to know board members as individuals and as a group is a particularly meaningful part of the immersion phase of onboarding.
Venturing Forth
With internal relationships solidifying, it is time to move beyond the organization. External activities will be more successful when the new executive has a strong understanding of the organization. They will be better equipped to handle questions in an informed way that is consistent with the mission.
When the new executive moves into the public sphere – for meetings with organizational partners, donors and funders, and the community at large – there is the unique opportunity to re-introduce the organization to the public while introducing the new executive. This is a bonus when it comes to enhancing an organization’s visibility.
With any new leader, there is change. The public relations focus and the message to external stakeholders and community partners depend on the nuances of the situation that prompted the search and resulted in the hired candidate. Professional guidance from an internal or external communications professional can be worthwhile.
To begin this step in the onboarding process, I suggest defining concentric rings around the organization to identify critical stakeholders in order of importance and then prioritizing meetings or gatherings with these audiences. This example is quite basic but conveys the idea.
A new nonprofit executive whose role is largely external will become the face of an organization. What is critical, however, is that the executive is the ambassador for the mission and the organization and that they always shine the spotlight on the mission and the work. A focused onboarding process helps a new executive put down strong roots within the organization and gain complete knowledge of it, ensuring that the move into the world of external stakeholders will be most worthwhile.
A Final Note
Retention begins with the first encounter with a candidate during the hiring process. Onboarding supports retention and is another step in ensuring a nonprofit’s new leader succeeds. Most of all, onboarding is a significant aspect of ensuring a successful leadership transition for the entire organization. Of course, the ultimate goal for all these efforts and activities is that the organization fulfills its mission and thrives with dynamic new leadership.
Onboarding a New Nonprofit CEO
Welcome to Your (New) World!
It’s 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. The doorbell rings. You open the door and greet your dinner guests. You say, “So glad to see you! The coat closet is over there (pointing). Make yourselves at home. Just go in the kitchen, I think there’s some wine and some food. You’re smart, I know you’ll figure it out and cook up something. I’m going to run upstairs and take a shower. Back soon.” (more…)
Resilience in the Time of COVID-19
(written in 2020)
For weeks, we have all been reading emails and website homepage notices outlining actions in response to COVID-19. As a consultant to nonprofits, I am deeply moved by the deliberations and decisions made by my nonprofit clients and other organizations I know. Daily, our clients are meeting human needs in profound ways. Most must push through to attend to their vulnerable clients and take care of their employees at the same time. Others need to pull back for the safety and health of their staff and clients. Nonprofit responses are unique and situational. (more…)
Executive Transition: How to Determine Who Your Next Leader Should Be
As the adage goes, the only constant in life is change. When a transition occurs at the top of any organization, it needs to be managed with good judgment and planning for the future success of the organization and all its stakeholders. In a nonprofit, it is the board’s role to handle this process. (more…)
Why Job Descriptions Are the Keystone of Your Volunteer Program
Volunteers are strategic assets for nonprofits. Some of my clients rely greatly on volunteers to fulfill their missions. In addition to board members and committee members, there are event organizers, fundraisers, service providers, tutors and mentors, crisis/helpline responders, and people who shelve books or staff the waiting rooms of a hospital to let you know your loved one is out of surgery. The list goes on.
To treat your volunteers with the respect they deserve, think strategically about their roles within your organization. Next, create proper job descriptions. (more…)